MaryMac Books

Personality Puzzle (Card set)


By Sue Blair

The Type at Work Personality Puzzle cards are ideal for coaching adults in any workplace environment. They can be used for all Type interpretations, whether  that be in executive or management coaching, careers or life coaching. They are currently used by practitioners around the world. Coaching becomes interactive, immediately engaging and rewarding for both coach and client. As coaches we look for a 'shift' in understanding and behaviour. This resource is both visually appealing and tactile produces the desired result.

The Type at Work Personality Puzzle cards users' guide:

A  full-colour manual is available to download. It offers suggestions on how to use the cards to their maximum potential. It contains:

  • An introduction to the Myers-Briggs theory
  • Coaching questions and activities for each of the preferences
  • Information on Type dynamics
  • A clear explanation on how to work out dominant functions
  • Advice on how to engage different personality types when talking about Type

The Personality Puzzle - Classic

Click to Download
