MaryMac Books

Encouraging Peak Performance in Individuals

Mary McGuiness and ITD’s associates can provide coaching services for executives, managers, teachers, trainers, coaches, counselors and people dealing with the changes at midlife. All services are tailored to meet the needs of each client or organization.

A typical process involves:

  • Initial meeting to establish coach/client rapport and objectives
  • Administration of appropriate assessments such as the MajorsPT Elements or MBTI Step II®, EQi®, FSDA, Strong Interest Inventory, The Arsenal, Pearson-Marr Archetypes Inventory etc
  • Interpretation sessions
  • Identification of coaching goals and action plan.

For more information or to arrange a meeting contact Mary McGuiness, 

Email:  or Telephone: 0417661104


Executive Coaching

Some areas of concern that executive coaching may focus on:

  • Learning to incorporate the understanding of different personality types into your work life.
  • Identifying your own strengths and developmental needs.
  • Particular areas of concern, such as dealing constructively with different personalities, effective communication, resolving conflict, decision making, career development and work-life balance.


Leadership Coaching

Some areas of concern that leadership coaching may focus on:

  • Using personality theory to understand strengths and manage weaknesses,
  • Setting and achieving goals
  • Identifying Priorities
  • Identifying blind spots could undermine your effectiveness in a given role
  • Planning action steps to manage those blind spots.


Coaching Teachers

Change is difficult, even when we are convinced it’s worth the effort. If we expect teachers to change they need clear explanations or evidence of how the changes will benefit them or their students.  Meaningful change is most likely to occur when coaches take into consideration the differences in teachers’ beliefs, feelings and personalities.

Coaching teachers will usually involve the following:

  • Applying the latest neuroscience research and the theory of personality type to understand differences in how people take in information and make decisions.
  • Using personality theory to understand the different teaching and learning styles
  • Identfiying teacher beliefs that can block change
  • Understanding instructional strategies that promote effective learning for different personality types
  • Designing curriculum or unit of work that suits the learning needs of the students, as well as the teaching style of the teacher.
  • Classroom management strategies, particularly effective ways of dealing with dysfunctional or disruptive behaviour.

